The Story

If you were to summarize our relationship, it would be about God's sovereignty and grace. We officially met at church after individually moving from southern California to northern California over the summer of 2013; Joe for graduate school and Lindsey for her dietetic internship. Ironically, prior to moving, we had both attended the same church for three years in Los Angeles, yet never met! Because our new church was so small, it was easy for Lindsey to take notice of the tall, handsome new guy that she recognized as having served on the welcome team at their old church. At the same time, Joe quickly took notice of the beautiful and lovely Lindsey after she had shared her testimony at a Denny's.
Three months later, Joe mustered up the courage to ask Lindsey to lunch where he prepared a 10 page paper stating his intentions and desires to honor God through dating. Ten months later, we began to date. God's timing truly was perfect as Lindsey completed her internship and passed her exam to become a registered dietitian, all the while Joe patiently waited on the Lord to complete his graduate studies. A year and a half later, Joe graduated, got a job, and got down on one knee. Joe proposed on a beautiful and secluded beach at Point Lobos and Lindsey tearfully and joyfully said yes.
Through our relationship, we are so thankful that our love for the Lord and for one another has grown. We also praise God for providing the love and support we have received through our family and friends who have come alongside us, given us wise counsel, kept us accountable, and prayed for us. We cannot wait to celebrate the marriage that God has brought together with you all soon!